October Thursdays From The Heart

Today we concluded our October Thursdays From The Heart!

It was a great honor to get to pray with you all throughout the month. Thank you for joining, whether it was for a week or two, or for all 5 weeks. It is beautiful to see the ways in which the Lord brings us together to experience his love together, or through the witness of faith of those around us. Today we got to reflect on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Not only that but “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. 

We may find ourselves in a relationship with a sibling, friend, spouse, or child where it is difficult to love them, or where we fail to love them well. However, that is one of the things that Jesus says is the most important, Love your neighbor. Last week we reflected on the importance of prayer and how we have nothing to give if we don’t first run to the Lord. 

This week we are reminded that the Lord transforms our hearts when we try to love those around us as He loved us first. As Jocelyn shared we can go from seeing the indifferences with those around us, to being able to see the deep love and care that we have for our family and friends which is a beautiful light that the Lord desires to shine in those dark and challenging areas of life, in those tough conversations, and when we experience loss.

Remember that tomorrow November 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation. Find a Mass to attend and remember to pray for all the saints in heaven who guide us by the example of their faith, and for all the souls in purgatory that they too may get to experience the glory of Heaven.

Our next set of Thursday From The Heart will be the first four Thursdays of Lent, starting March 6th!! Mark your calendars, and add 15 minutes of communal prayer to your future Lenten practices. We hope to see you then! In the meantime, you will all continue to be in our prayers. God Bless!

Team PWPN- Fr. Joe, Jocelyn, William, and Connor