“His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us his love and friendship.” (Pope Francis)
Thursdays From the Heart is Back!! What perfect timing, we are starting right after Ash Wednesday, join us as one of your lenten practices?
Otherwise, consider joining us to hear more about Dilexit Nos: He Loved us, the newest Encyclical by Pope Francis.
That’s right, our team has sat down and read through Pope Francis’ encyclical. Although we won’t get to read through it all together, let’s talk about some of the many spiritual nuggets that Pope Francis shares with us and invites us to dwell on, all related to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
If you have a devotion to the Sacred Heart, allow yourself to dive deeper into loving Jesus and open your heart even more to his love. If you are new to having a devotion to the Sacred Heart but this message has sparked something within and you are intrigued, come, join us, and see what the Lord wants to speak to you.
Let us tell you what to expect in these times of prayer…
We will meet each Thursday at 3pm (USA Central Time) for a 15 minutes Zoom–in the Month of March ( 6, 13, 20, 27 )
We will read through a section of the encyclical, listen to a brief reflection, offer prayer intentions, and close in prayer together.
All you have to do is set apart 15 minutes each Thursday for the Month of March, and REGISTER with our google form so that we can send you a zoom link for all sessions, and a weekly reminder to make sure you don’t miss out on praying with us!
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/2cbYEwsodVwaGUo96
Apostles of prayer, will you join us, and Pray from the Heart?
“His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us his love and friendship.” (Pope Francis)