March 6 – Thursdays from the Heart

Thank you for joining us this past week for our Thursdays From The Heart!

Last week we kicked off our Lenten- Thursdays from the heart! We read through a couple of paragraphs from Dilexit Nos, He loved Us and we heard a bit from Jocelyn on our call to love and to be loved. 

“In the deepest fiber of our being, we were made to love and to be loved” (Pope Francis)

How do you allow the Lord to Love you and to see you?

How do you see Jesus’ heart? How is he inviting you to enter deeper into His love for you?

Don’t conceal your hearts, let him see your heart with everything that is there. If you tore the veil open and He was able to see your heart today what would He see? 

Join us March 13th for a time of prayer and community as we continue to read through more of the Papal Encyclical. In the meantime, enjoy watching our video recording of the first week of Thursdays From The Heart! We hope the Lord also speaks to your heart, and invites you to share it with Him without fear nor hesitation and allow yourself to love and to be loved!