March 13 – Thursdays from the Heart

Thank you for joining us for Thursdays From The Heart!

If you weren’t able to join us and are hoping to watch the recording of our prayer time, welcome! 

This week Jocelyn, staff at the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network shared a story from a recent prayer time in which for the first time she saw Jesus and Mary as she entered back into a moment from her childhood that has caused much pain, a moment where she felt alone and rejected. It was beautiful to see that Jesus and Mary were actually both there with her at that moment. That as she heard lies of her identity be told, Jesus was speaking into her ear the truth of who He had created her to be, good and beautiful. 

Through that testimony, she led us to reflect on Paragraphs 36 and 37 of Dilexit Nos where Pope Francis reminds us through different stories in scripture that our Lord comes close to us in our pain and brokenness as He heals. Jesus doesn’t heal from afar, just like He showed how close 

He was to Jocelyn in that memory, He desires to draw close to you. Pope Francis encourages us to allow Jesus to draw near, allow Him to show us the depth of His tender love, and to allow Him to sit at our side.  

Join us next Thursday, March 20th!

In the meantime, do not be afraid, we are in the season of Lent, and in whatever way the Lord may be inviting you to walk with Him in the suffering of His passion, and death, go there with Him. Jesus has already conquered death! Yet every year the Church invites us to expand our hearts with love and gratitude for that sacrifice of love, His death on the Cross for you and for me.