As members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network we recognize the Blessed Mother’s unique connection with Jesus, and how during her life she treasured everything, “in her heart” (cf. Luke 2:19,51).
Indeed, her special connection with Jesus is most privileged in all humanity. Pope Benedict XVI said on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, “The heart that resembles that of Christ more than any other is without a doubt the Heart of Mary, his Immaculate Mother, and for this very reason the liturgy holds them up together for our veneration.”
Her heart is entirely focused on others, on their prayers, works, joys and sufferings. She keeps them in her Immaculate Heart, but then out of love presents them to her Son, Jesus.
While visiting Fatima earlier this year Pope Francis reflected on this reality when he prayed, “In the depths of your being, in your Immaculate Heart, you keep the joys of men and women as they journey to the Heavenly Homeland. In the depths of your being, in your Immaculate Heart, you keep the sorrows of the human family, as they mourn and weep in this valley of tears.”
As we pray our Morning Offering, let us not forget the role the Blessed Virgin Mary has in our lives and present our day to her in confidence, knowing that she will present it to her Son with the great love that dwells in her heart.
Let us also strive to imitate her selfless heart, a heart that is for others and outward looking. By doing so, we will draw closer to Jesus’ heart and in the process our daily burdens will be lifted, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30).
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