In these crazy times, we need prayer more than ever. At the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, we promote a life of prayer for all people by sharing devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ignatian spirituality, and the monthly prayer intentions of the Holy Father.
And what a year it’s been! With a pandemic, an election, and social unrest, many of us feel these pains in our hearts. Let’s recall that our hearts are images of God’s love for us—as He quietly, powerfully shares love and grace with us at each moment. Our hearts are formed by the Father in the image of the Sacred Heart of His Son. We can rely on His power and mercy in our joys and our sorrows.
Today is Giving Tuesday. We are asking for your prayers– and for your support. Our direct mailings reach the elderly, the sick and prisoners with monthly prayers and reflections. Our online blogs and videos connect with young people and busy parents. We’ve hired four faith-filled students from Marquette University to help with our outreach. I’ve spoken about our mission on two appearances on EWTN, on Catholic radio and podcasts, and at in-person retreats for priests, seminarians, and young adults.
You can give on our website, by check, or with our new Venmo account.
I’ll offer a special Mass for you, your intentions, and for all members of ‘PWPN’ on December 8.
Check out our new online retreat, “In Her Heart“, as we journey with Mary this Advent. It’s our special gift to you as we prepare for Christmas.
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!”
In His Sacred Heart,
Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ
National Director