A Pilgrimage of Hearts to Rome: Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network USA Meets with the Holy Father
This January, the members of Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network USA team had the incredible privilege of journeying to the heart of the Church—Rome—where they were welcomed by the Holy Father and the other PWPN teams throughout the world. The meeting took place in the historic Hall of Popes, where Pope Francis offered a powerful message filled with inspiration, hope, and mission.The Holy Father expressed his gratitude for the Prayer Network’s ongoing work and introduced the new International Director, Father Cristóbal Fones while praising the creative service of outgoing Director Father Frédéric Fornos.But, it was the Holy Father’s reflection on the Network’s spirituality, known as The Way of the Heart, that truly made an impact. Pope Francis described this way as a double journey:
The journey of Jesus’ Sacred Heart through his incarnation, passion, death, and resurrection.
Our own journey, as hearts wounded by sin, allowing themselves to be transformed by divine love.
The Holy Father reminded all present, that the guide in this journey is Our Blessed Mother, who teaches us to “hold in our hearts the words and deeds of Jesus.” He urged us to share his new encyclical on the Sacred Heart, Dilexit Nos. Pope Francis also highlighted the unique role that PWPN can play in preparing for the upcoming Jubilee Year by fostering prayer, compassion, and works of mercy.“Prayer and compassion. Prayer and closeness to the least among us. Prayer and works of mercy—inseparably combined,” he emphasized.The USA team left the encounter profoundly inspired, ready to continue serving communities by helping hearts journey toward Christ with renewed zeal.Please join us in praying for this mission as we move forward joyfully, always joyfully, working together for the glory of God and the good of His people.