Do you know about the First Friday Devotion? PWPN Intern, Emily Snider, tells us a little...
January Prayer Intention: For Educators
We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest...
The Holy Family – Fridays from the Heart PWPN Intern, Emily Snider, reflects on the Feast of the Holy Family celebrated on...
Prayer of the Month – January 2023
Lord God, your spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us your ways.Look upon all teachers. Let them strive to...
Merry Christmas – Fridays From the Heart Merry Christmas! Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, National Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer...
Volunteer Organizations – Fridays from the Heart PWPN Intern Donovan Walsh reminds us of the Holy Father’s prayer intention...
Holiness is a way of being
What is holiness? Is it all about “doing” good things for God? Good things certainly must be done, such as...
For volunteer not-for-profit organizations – The Pope Video
Volunteerism. Commitment. Coordination. These are three key words of The Pope Video for December, brought to you by...
The Immaculate Conception – Fridays from the Heart
PWPN Intern, Noah Smith, reflects on how we can stay close to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and how we can take Mary as...
Learning from the Good Samaritan how to be a “neighbor”
“And who is my neighbor?” (Lk 10:29), is the question that a teacher of the law asks Jesus. Jesus does not give him a...
The Heart of Mary – Fridays from the Heart
Former PWPN Director, Fr. James Kubicki, SJ, reflects on the Blessed Mother and how we may have a heart like Mary’s -...
Prayer of the Month – December 2022
Lord, bless all volunteers, who go out to encounter the flesh of Christ, to touch it, to care for it, to be close to...