To become aware of our limits is to open the doors to our fragilities and limits. We are not fixed or perfect...
March 13 – Thursdays from the Heart
Thank you for joining us for Thursdays From The Heart! If you weren't able to join us and are hoping to watch the...
Hope and patience to be able to encounter each other
Have you ever felt, walking through a big city, that feeling of anonymity in the middle of a crowd moving at high...
March 6 – Thursdays from the Heart
Thank you for joining us this past week for our Thursdays From The Heart! Last week we kicked off our Lenten-...
Fr Joe Laramie SJ receives new assignment
After five years as national director of the Pope's Prayer Network [Apostleship of Prayer], Fr Joe Laramie SJ will be...
Our Deepest Identity Is Our Belovedness Not Our Brokenness
People usually come to therapy, “broken”, in some way or another. Whether it's a break up, a loss, life transition, or...
The Pope Video – For Families in Crisis
In his prayer intention for the month of March, Pope Francis invites us to pray for families in crisis, and to reflect...
For Families in Crisis – Monthly Prayer
Good Father, You wanted Your Son to be born into a family, a space of love and support where the Savior "grew and...
The Wonder of God
Some discover it at church, during a moment of prayer. Some during a trip, perhaps after a special encounter. Some in...
Thursdays from the Heart – March
“His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us his love and...
Chair of St. Peter
On February 22, we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, honoring the mission and authority Christ entrusted...
Abide in the Love of Jesus
To love and to remain in Love is more action than words. It is a dynamic of the heart that we unfold from within...