World Youth Day is a technicolor, all-you-can-see buffet. There are flags from all over the world and people of so...
The Eucharist in the EYM
In the EYM we learn from a young age that, at every Mass we celebrate, we encounter Jesus in the Eucharist, learning...
Jesus lived his life as a eucharistic offering
“This is my body. This is my blood.” Everything is found here. The Eucharist reveals to us the love that goes "to the...
Praying in a fragile church
As members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, we are invited to enter into the challenges of humanity and the...
For a Eucharistic life
We pray that Catholics may place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives, transforming human...
For A Eucharistic Life – The Pope Video Why go to Mass on Sunday? Certainly not just to follow a ritual. As Pope Francis says,...
For a Eucharistic life – Prayer for July 2023
Jesus, Bread of eternal life, came down from heaven and was made flesh thanks to the faith of Mary Most Holy. After...
Our Lady of the Rosary – Fridays from the Heart
PWPN intern, Emily Snider, reflects on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and how praying the Rosary has brought her...
Experiencing God’s mercy in prayer
Our prayer can bring us life. When we pray, we strengthen our relationship with Jesus, reflect on our life with the...
3 Moments for Heart-Health in Your Spiritual Life – Fridays from the Heart
Healthy eating, for a healthy body. Good spiritual food, for a healthy spiritual heart. Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, details...
Say no to torture in the name of human dignity
If the pope asks to pray for the abolition of torture, it is because it is still going on in the world today. The 1984...
Sacred Heart of Jesus – Fridays from the Heart
From the Fridays from the Heart archives, Fr. James Kubicki, SJ, shares a reflection on what Pope Francis calls "The...