If we are honest with ourselves, we know the difficulty in staying focused during prayer. It can seem like every time...
St. Patrick – Fridays from the Heart
https://youtu.be/jvmNjMBHynY Happy Feast of St. Patrick. This feast is not simply a day to have fun. St. Patrick’s...
For Victims of Abuse – Fridays from the Heart
https://youtu.be/SnE8kcNPJOM This month, Pope Francis asks each of us to pray for all victims of abuse. The Holy...
How prayer renews within us the image of God
Perhaps we don't realize it, but whenever we pray, we renew the image of God within us. Even when we pray on the Click...
2023 Spring Newsletter
Taxi Cab Confessions – Spring 2023 The New York cab driver adjusted his rearview mirror. He squinted as he...
St. Katharine Drexel – Fridays from the Heart
https://youtu.be/UkOSHTXJIfM Today, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Katharine Drexel. She is the second US-born...
Happy Lent – Fridays from the Heart
https://youtu.be/EP-WSO2OTl0 Happy Lent! That may be a little strange to say, but it's true. Lent is a time of grace....
Reestablishing fraternity in the parish
It is beautiful to reread the following two passages at the beginning of the book of Acts (Acts 2:42-47; Acts 4:32-35)...
For Parishes – Fridays from the Heart
https://youtu.be/lJCXhpLv69M PWPN Intern, Donovan, reflects on the Pope’s prayer intention for this month - For...
How being grateful humanizes us
We have been created by Love and for love, in such a way that our life could be summed up as the path in which we...
Valentine’s Day – Fridays from the Heart
Happy Valentine's Day! Jocelyn, PWPN Staff member, asks the question - “What is love?” Love is not something...
Types of Prayer in the Early Church
Researching the origins of Christianity is an opportunity to recover the meaning of life from the roots that hold us...