Thank you for joining us this past week for our Thursdays From The Heart! Last week we kicked off our Lenten-...
Praying With the Holy Father
As we enter the sacred season of Lent, let us unite our hearts in prayer with Pope Francis. Even in the midst of his...
A Pilgrimage of Hearts to Rome: Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network USA Meets with the Holy Father
This January, the members of Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network USA team had the incredible privilege of journeying to...
St. Francis de Sales
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church! Known as the Gentleman Saint,...
For Pilgrims of Hope
As we approach the Jubilee year, we pray that our faith is strengthened and that we learn to recognize the Risen...
October 10 – Thursdays from the Heart
“Go sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, then come, follow me” ...
The Pope Video – September 2024
“Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes?” This is one of the questions Pope...
For Political Leaders – The Pope Video
Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of praying for political leaders, inviting us to join him in praying for this...
For Political Leaders – Prayer
Jesus, contemplating you in the Gospel makes us tremble, walk and be with you. We see you speaking with authority,...
The Misunderstood Sacrament
The most common risk for the sacraments in today's society is to trivialize them. Marriage is reduced to a great...
I met the Pope
I was in Rome in late January for a leadership meeting for the Pope’s Prayer Network [Apostleship of Prayer]. I am the...
Good Friday – Fridays from the Heart
Today is a day of solemn remembrance, marking the ultimate act of selfless love as Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself...