The Sacred Heart
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) has a long tradition of devotion to the Heart of Jesus (Sacred Heart). It is a devotion that is intimately linked to our mission and symbolizes the love Jesus has for the world.
The Depth Of God’s Love
The Heart is a symbol of the whole person, a symbol which in many cultures is rooted or represented in a physical heart as seat of the deepest feelings. It should not be understood as the physical organ, a muscle which pumps blood, but as what it represents, this is, the deepness of God’s love.
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is “a spiritual pathway inspired in the symbol of the heart – the human heart and the Heart of Jesus – that in unison wish to respond to the needs of today’s people.”
In 2024, we celebrate the 350 years of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus in Paray-le-Monial. For more information visit, Jubilee of the Sacred Heart
The Way of the Heart
As devoted friends of Jesus, we are encouraged to forge a deep, unbreakable bond with Him, allowing us to intimately share in His joys and sorrows for our world. “The Way of the Heart” empowers us to stand with Him and face the challenges that confront humanity and the mission of the Church.
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The Sacred Heart in Art
One concrete way we are reminded of this love is through beautiful images of the Heart of Jesus, as the Directives guiding our re-creation mention.
The classical images of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus represent the Risen Lord in its pictures or statues. It is He who comes to his apostles, showing his wounds and sending them on mission…[these images can help us] connect [our] lives with the Risen Lord and to walk with him.