
Step One of The Way of the Heart invites us to recognize with gratitude how the Lord loves us in the concrete reality...

Our Mission
Our Mission

Do you remember the story of that paralyzed man who, with great difficulty, was carried on a stretcher by some people...

God’s Love does not fail
God’s Love does not fail

“Now the time has come for a new Jubilee, to open wide the Holy Door once more and offer the living experience of...

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe

This week, we honor the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a beautiful reminder of faith, love, and unity! As we...

Hope in God never disappoints
Hope in God never disappoints

“Hope is the virtue of those who have a young heart; and here, age does not count. Because there are also elderly...

The Light Went Out
The Light Went Out

We lost our son Fabrizio in an accident. In an instant, the “light went out”: silence, darkness, and anguish invaded...