Good Father, who looks at your sons and daughters with love, We know that you have deep compassion for those who...
Prayer of the Month – October 2021
Lord Jesus Christ, who calls us to be apostles of your mission, We come today to offer you our lives, what we are and...
Prayer of the Month – September 2021
God of All Creation, we thank you for all of your good gifts, especially the many resources that are available to us...
Prayer of the Month – August 2021
Jesus Christ, master and head of the Church, who desires that she be faithful to you and modeled after you, we ask you...
Prayer of the Month – July 2021
I entrust to you, Mother of the Church, all the problems of this Church, the whole of her mission and of her service....
Prayer of the Month – June 2021
Lord our God, you established marriage as one of your first gifts to the human family, and you sanctified it with your...
Prayer of the Month – May 2021
Lord Jesus, Son of the Father, who defended the poor: submitted by the economic injustices of Your time, we present...
Prayer of the Month – April 2021
Lord Jesus Christ who are close to the suffering, we bring before you the desire that all people are treated with...
Prayer of the Month – March 2021
Loving God, you have reconciled us in Christ Jesus and have given us the ministry of reconciliation. We pray for all...
Prayer of the Month – February 2021
Remember, O Most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your...
Prayer of the Month – January 2021
God our Father, you love each of your children and you don’t stop taking care of them and looking out for their good,...
Prayer of the Month – December 2020
Lord God of love, hear our prayer! Let us turn in prayer to Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of our faith. ...