Gracious Father, you created your children with love and you gave them intelligence and creativity, capable of...
Prayer of the Month – October 2020
From St. John Paul II's Apostolic Exhortation, Christifideles Laici: O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ and...
Prayer of the Month – September 2020
(Based on the First Principal and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises) Father, You created us to praise, reverence,...
Prayer of the Month – August 2020
O Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean, guide seafarers across all dark and stormy seas, that they may reach...
Prayer of the Month – July 2020
Almighty and all Loving God, in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph you give us a model and example of family...
Prayer of the Month – June 2020
Father, here I am. I know you are always with me. I place my heart in the Heart of your Son Jesus, who gives himself...
Prayer of the Month – May 2020
Lord God of all, hear our prayer! Heavenly Father, you instituted the Diaconate as a degree of Holy Orders ordaining...
Prayer of the Month – April 2020
Lord our God, who came to set your people free, hear us! You who led your people out of bondage in Egypt and set...
Prayer of the Month – March 2020
Composed by Pope Benedict XVI: Our Lady of Sheshan, sustain all those in China, who, amid their daily trails, continue...
Prayer of the Month – February 2020
Lord Jesus, you traveled a hard and lonely road with Mary and Joseph. As a child, they carried you to a foreign land...
Prayer of the Month – January 2020
Prayer for Peace of Pope Francis Lord Jesus, we adore your cross which frees us from sin, the origin of every division...
Prayer of the Month – December 2019
Father of Goodness, the birth of your Son Jesus opens a new time to the world, a time of hope and peace. We pray for...