Good Father, You want all of us to contribute to building a better world, creating bridges instead of walls. Today, we...
February 2025 – Monthly Prayer
O God, Father of all Mercies,Provider of a bountiful Harvest, Send your Graces upon thoseYou have called to gather the...
For Pilgrims of Hope – Monthly Prayer
What a joy to feel called to be pilgrims of hope! Joyful pilgrims, renewing our search of the Risen Christ in the...
Monthly Prayer – For anyone who has lost a child
Mary, you who are Mother of all, welcome into your heart those who are going through the pain of the loss of a child....
September 2024 – Monthly Prayer
Good Father, the cry of the earth strikes in the Heart of your Son Jesus, and cries out to us "I want mercy and not...
For the Pastoral Care of the Sick – Monthly Prayer
All-merciful Father, What a great mystery, the fragility of the body, the sickness that weakens us! How often we want...
For Migrants Fleeing Their Homes – Monthly Prayer
Loving Father, who welcomes all your sons and daughters: We pray to you today for the migrants who flee from war or...
For the Formation of Religious and Seminarians – Prayer
Holy Spirit, who motivates the Church so that, in her mission, She may bear witness and always proclaim with renewed...
For the Role of Women – Monthly Prayer
Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all...
For martyrs of our time – Monthly Prayer
Good and Loving Father: Because we have been saved by your Son Jesus, the deceiver and father of lies hates us and...
February 2024 – Prayer of the Month
FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL Grant, O Lord of life, That we may savor every season of our lives as a gift filled with...
Prayer of the Month – December 2023
God, our Father.The throwaway culture that is widespread in our timedoes not consider the person as something most...