Explore ‘The Way of the Heart’

We are invited to delve deeper into our own hearts and unite them more fully to the heart of Christ.

One way to accomplish this “union of hearts” is a new pathway proposed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) called “The Way of the Heart.”

It is a spiritual pathway inspired by two hearts, the human heart and the Heart of Jesus. The Way of the Heart aims to bring those two hearts together so as to respond to the needs of today’s people.

This spiritual pathway of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is a school of the heart. In nine steps this pathway leads us to identify with the mind, heart and concerns of Jesus. Each step speaks of God’s unlimited love for each one of us and for all humanity.

We approach this pathway in prayerful silence and in awe as we let our hearts be led by Jesus. Through the nine steps we are invited to live a personal covenant of love with the Risen Christ, and to offer daily our readiness to collaborate with him in his mission, as his apostles.

In this Way of the Heart we put ourselves at the service of the Church and are sent out to make God’s compassionate love present in the world.

Click here for all of our reflections on each of the nine steps in the The Way of the Heart and how its affects our everyday lives.