The Way of the Heart is not simply something you learn; it is something you experience, and it transforms you.
It took me a long time to accept that God loved me in my mundane life and my daily choices, and that my greatest service could be accompanying others to find God in their ordinary lives. But how could I do that? I searched without success. Then the pandemic came and there I felt much more clearly the need for a God who is close and present in those moments of confinement and suffering that we all go through.
It is in this context that I found “The Way of the Heart.” This spiritual pathway helped me to discover that in my daily life as an ordinary Catholic could be something extraordinary. Yes, each day God is inviting me to contribute to his mission of compassion for the world. Someone might think that “The Way of the Heart” is a self-help book that promises you happiness and wealth by following its instructions. But nothing is further from reality; it is not something you simply learn. It is something you experience. And God transforms you through it. You begin by experiencing God’s love and feeling how it transforms you, and then discover in yourself the desire and ability to act in response to his call. “The Way of the Heart” is a breath of fresh air. Truly, you are alive. The God whom you seek and yearn for is with you and in you. The Holy Spirit is helping you to give yourself entirely on a mission of compassion for the world.
- – Peter Cotillo
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Peru)