Dear Friends and Members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer),
Peace be with you. There have been many wonderful developments at Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network these past weeks. Especially exciting is the support the Holy Father has shown for our network, opening his personal Click To Pray account, and making Click To Pray the official prayer app of World Youth Day (WYD) in Panama this year. The Pope Video has had a prominent place at WYD as well. In addition, Click To Pray was the number four free app on the Apple store earlier this week.
On a more challenging note, we have had to cut back the staff supporting the print ministry here at our home office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With that in mind we will not be processing orders for print materials for the foreseeable future. Instead we will be emphasizing our digital ministry sharing the Holy Father‘s prayer intentions (the challenges facing humanity) using our website, social media, The Pope Video and the the Click To Pray app. You will continue to see our weekly blogs from Jesuits and others across the English-speaking world, as well as news and stories about the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network family. In the coming weeks we will begin to make versions of our print materials more readily available online, posting PDFs for those who wish to print them, and sharing content through audio and video when possible.
Friends, the financial realities of the 21st century simply do not allow us to continue the print ministry. Please keep us in our prayers as we continue our pivot to deeply engage the digital world even more.
In The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Rev. William Blazek, SJ
Regional Director for Canada and USA
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)