May is the month of Mary. What can we do to honor our Blessed Mother throughout this month?...
A Diamond in the Rough
Many times, especially throughout history, seminaries and places of formation of young people professed into religious...
The Pope Video – May 2024
In his prayer intention this month, Pope Francis asks us to pray for men and women religious, and seminarians....
For the Formation of Religious and Seminarians – Prayer
Holy Spirit, who motivates the Church so that, in her mission, She may bear witness and always proclaim with renewed...
Bishops – Fridays from the Heart
Curious about the role of a Bishop? Dive into the symbolism of his office – from the mitre to the crozier, each symbol...
Remembering going through the heart again
People have different types of memory. Some speak of auditory memory, because they identify better what they hear than...
You’re Invited – Thursdays from the Heart
As members of the Apostleship of Prayer, we wanted to invite you to a new opportunity of praying together...
Caring for one another
We have heard the Pope speak several times about the culture of care, that is, the importance of taking care of one...
Small Group Reflection for April
One of the most fruitful ways to learn and share our Catholic faith is through small group discussion and study. ...
For the role of women
I have a friend named Lyn who's old enough to be my mom. Lyn and I talk often about women's roles in the Church....
Francis’ Denunciation
For the April prayer intention, Pope Francis calls for an end to discrimination against women. An Asian woman with...
Divine Mercy Sunday – Fridays from the Heart
Embrace the boundless love and mercy of God this Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th. Let's open our hearts to the infinite...