This Sunday is Palm Sunday. As Jesus enters Jerusalem, we enter the holiest week in the Church - Holy Week. We can set...
We’re Halfway There! – Fridays from the Heart
We’re more than halfway there! This is a great opportunity to check in with the Lord and see how we’re doing…maybe to...
How distractions in prayer reveal our true priorities
If we are honest with ourselves, we know the difficulty in staying focused during prayer. It can seem like every time...
For Victims of Abuse – The Pope Video “Asking for forgiveness is necessary, but not enough”: in the month of...
St. Patrick – Fridays from the Heart Happy Feast of St. Patrick. This feast is not simply a day to have fun. St. Patrick’s...
Seeing the suffering of Christ in the victims of abuse
When Pope Francis prays “for the victims of abuse,” who are the victims? Are they children or adults? What injustices...
For Victims of Abuse – Fridays from the Heart This month, Pope Francis asks each of us to pray for all victims of abuse. The Holy...
How prayer renews within us the image of God
Perhaps we don't realize it, but whenever we pray, we renew the image of God within us. Even when we pray on the Click...
2023 Spring Newsletter
Taxi Cab Confessions – Spring 2023 The New York cab driver adjusted his rearview mirror. He squinted as he...
St. Katharine Drexel – Fridays from the Heart Today, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Katharine Drexel. She is the second US-born...
For victims of abuse
Abuse comes in many forms and the impact is often silent and unseen. Those who are subjected to abuse experience a...
For Victims – Prayer of the Month
Father, you who are compassionate and merciful, Welcome with your love those who suffer the damage caused by the...