Father, here I am. I know you are always with me. I place my heart in the Heart of your Son Jesus, who gives himself...
June Reflection – The Way of the Heart
I picked up a scrap of paper that was placed under the statue of the Sacred Heart in the church. Someone had written a...
Daily offering our lives to God
The Second Vatican Council highlighted the priestly dimension of our Baptism by stating that the ordinary actions of...
Mary in our spiritual life
May is an important month in the Church, because it is a month dedicated to Our Lady, the Mother of the Church and our...
Prayer of the Month – May 2020
Lord God of all, hear our prayer! Heavenly Father, you instituted the Diaconate as a degree of Holy Orders ordaining...
May Reflection – For Deacons
Most of us know that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, chose to be called after St. Francis of Assisi. Many of us assume...
An experience of God’s Mercy
In the busyness of everyday life, we do not always set aside time for an examination of conscience in order to order...
How to live in a eucharistic way
Many ask me what it means to live in a eucharistic way. One book that marked my experience of the Eucharist was, "With...
Prayer of the Month – April 2020
Lord our God, who came to set your people free, hear us! You who led your people out of bondage in Egypt and set...
April Intention – Freedom from Addiction
In our world and our Church, many of our brothers and sisters struggle with addictions. Indeed, almost half of...
Prayer in your daily life
In a certain sense it is possible to say, "Every place is a temple to find God and pray to the Father." Furthermore,...
How Lent challenges us to be stewards of creation
In Pope Francis’ Message for Lent in 2019, he focused on God’s creation and how it is connected to our celebration of...