Many women are treated as “something to get rid of.” “There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid,...
For the Role of Women – Monthly Prayer
Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all...
Good Friday – Fridays from the Heart
Today is a day of solemn remembrance, marking the ultimate act of selfless love as Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself...
Losing Your Life in Order to Gain it in Its Entirety
"How far are we willing to live life to the fullest? What is the measure of our commitments? Have you ever thought...
Learning to Choose Life
"Behold: today I set before you life and happiness, death and misfortune... choose life and you will live" (cf. Deut....
Palm Sunday – Fridays from the Heart
This Sunday, the Church celebrates Palm Sunday. Jesus is heralded as a conquering King, but this King is different...
St. Joseph – Fridays from the Heart
On March 19th, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Join us as we celebrate the Patron of the Universal...
Two Movies Connected to the March Intention
Of Men and Gods by Xavier Beauvois (France, 2010, 120 min.) Winner of the Grand Jury Prize and the Ecumenical Jury...
For the New Martyrs – Fridays from the Heart
This month the Holy Father asks us to pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the...
What is Lent? Abide in His Heart Retreat
This is the first reflection in our virtual Lent retreat, “Abide in His Heart,” as we journey through Lent, resting on...
The Courage of the Martyrs
Perhaps someone has wondered why in the liturgical calendar, on the day after Christmas, St. Stephen is celebrated,...
Join us! – Fridays from the Heart
We want you to join us! It starts with just 15 seconds a day! Learn how you can be part of the Holy Father’s mission!...