Why do people pray? What is the point of these ritualistic actions? Does prayer affect us and the world? Is prayer...
Living in solidarity with others
A woman walks into a room. She wants to encounter Jesus. She cries at his feet and wipes his feet dry with her hair....
Encountering others with the joy of the Gospel
The hymn Peace is Flowing like a River has for many years been a staple in our liturgies and prayer meetings. One...
Prayer of the Month – November 2020
Gracious Father, you created your children with love and you gave them intelligence and creativity, capable of...
November 2020 Prayer Intention – Artificial Intelligence
The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers many opportunities, but it also poses many dangers. There are...
Learning from Mary how to connect with others
“All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and...
How to pray with the senses
Have you ever thought about how rushed you are through life? This rush can easily prevent us from realizing the...
Prayer of the Month – October 2020
From St. John Paul II's Apostolic Exhortation, Christifideles Laici: O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ and...
October 2020 Prayer Intention – The Laity’s Mission in the Church
October 2020 Prayer Intention of Pope Francis - The Laity’s Mission in the Church: We pray that by the virtue of...
A mission of love and joy
To speak of mission in the Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM), is to first recognize that it is a pillar, it is what...
Repairing broken hearts with Mary
Mary suffered with her Son on the cross. Through that suffering, she became the Mother of us all and likely provided...
Prayer of the Month – September 2020
(Based on the First Principal and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises) Father, You created us to praise, reverence,...