"Today, politics do not have a good reputation: corruption, scandals, distant from people's daily lives." Francis'...
For Political Leaders – The Pope Video
Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of praying for political leaders, inviting us to join him in praying for this...
For Political Leaders – Prayer
Jesus, contemplating you in the Gospel makes us tremble, walk and be with you. We see you speaking with authority,...
For Political Leaders – Reflection
“Put not your trust in princes” could be the political motto of Christians. Indeed, the central events of our faith...
The Misunderstood Sacrament
The most common risk for the sacraments in today's society is to trivialize them. Marriage is reduced to a great...
Learning to reread life
Among the legacies left to us by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the Spiritual Exercises is spiritual rereading. What is...
Eucharistic Congress – Fridays from the Heart
The National Eucharistic Congress is happening right now! Tens of thousands from across the U.S. are gathering for...
Anointing: a gift in pain
I do not often administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, since I have been involved in youth ministry for...
Being By Their Side
Before equivocation or sin, what makes us profoundly human and similar is the experience of pain and illness. An...
For the Pastoral Care of the Sick – Fridays from the Heart
Join the Holy Father in praying for the pastoral care of the sick. We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the...
For the Pastoral Care of the Sick – The Pope Video
During the month of July, Pope Francis invites us to pray for our brothers and sisters who receive the Anointing of...
For the Pastoral Care of the Sick – Monthly Prayer
All-merciful Father, What a great mystery, the fragility of the body, the sickness that weakens us! How often we want...