Throughout history many religious and consecrated women have saved the Church at major crises, such as St. Hildegard...
On fire with the love of Jesus’ Heart
The life of St. Claude La Colombière is a model of what it means to seek, in everyday life, to serve the Heart of...
St. Claude and the Sacred Heart – Fridays from the Heart
University of Marquette intern, Noah Smith, reflects on St. Claude de la Colombiere, the Sacred Heart devotion and...
Being present to the sick and the suffering
One of the best-known corporal works of mercy is visiting the sick, an opportunity to “be” with those who are...
Abiding in the Heart of Jesus Ministry Zoom Session
Join Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, and Emily Jaminet, the Sacred Heart Enthronement Executive Director, will hold a live...
Religious and Consecrated Women – Fridays from the Heart
PWPN intern, Emily Davenport, reflects on the Pope's intention for February and how religious and consecrated women...
Prayer of the Month – February 2022
Fragrance Prayer by St. John Henry Newman Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul...
For religious sisters and consecrated women – February Pope Video
Do we really know what religious sisters and consecrated lay women do in the Church? As Pope Francis says, “the Church...
For religious sisters and consecrated women – February Reflection
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they...
Dialogue needs to be rooted in the truth
Dialogue can open us up to others, but we need to stay rooted in the truth in the process. Dialogue is an essential...
Making the Ordinary an Extraordinary Offering to God – Fridays from the Heart
PWPN intern, Emily, reflects on how we can turn the ordinary events of life into an extraordinary offering to God....
True Human Fraternity – Fridays from the Heart
University of Marquette intern, Noah Smith, reflects on Pope Francis' prayer intention for January, praying for human...