Curious about the role of a Bishop? Dive into the symbolism of his office – from the mitre to the crozier, each symbol...
You’re Invited – Thursdays from the Heart
As members of the Apostleship of Prayer, we wanted to invite you to a new opportunity of praying together...
Caring for one another
We have heard the Pope speak several times about the culture of care, that is, the importance of taking care of one...
Small Group Reflection for April
One of the most fruitful ways to learn and share our Catholic faith is through small group discussion and study. ...
For the role of women
I have a friend named Lyn who's old enough to be my mom. Lyn and I talk often about women's roles in the Church....
Francis’ Denunciation
For the April prayer intention, Pope Francis calls for an end to discrimination against women. An Asian woman with...
Divine Mercy Sunday – Fridays from the Heart
Embrace the boundless love and mercy of God this Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th. Let's open our hearts to the infinite...
For the Role of Women – The Pope Video
Many women are treated as “something to get rid of.” “There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid,...
For the Role of Women – Monthly Prayer
Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all...
Losing Your Life in Order to Gain it in Its Entirety
"How far are we willing to live life to the fullest? What is the measure of our commitments? Have you ever thought...
Learning to Choose Life
"Behold: today I set before you life and happiness, death and misfortune... choose life and you will live" (cf. Deut....
St. Joseph – Fridays from the Heart
On March 19th, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Join us as we celebrate the Patron of the Universal...