The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network May 28, 2020 For Immediate Release: The International Director of the Pope’s...
Pray the Rosary with Pope Francis on May 30, 2020
From Vatican News: "Devoted and with one accord to prayer, together with Mary (cf. Acts 1:14)". On this theme Pope...
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network mourns passing of Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, former Jesuit Superior General
Today, May 20, 2020, in Tokyo, the Lord called to Himself Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, former Jesuit Superior General. He was...
Pope Francis urges faithful to pray Rosary in May, adding two prayers
In response to the recent worldwide crisis, Pope Francis has written a special letter to the faithful, urging everyone...
Pope Francis sends special video message for Holy Week
Pope Francis sends this video message to Christians around the world as we prepare to celebrate Holy Week in an...
Pope Francis asks all Christians to pray Our Father on March 25
During his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis asked all Christians to join him on Wednesday, March 25, praying the Our...
(Video) Celebrating 175 years united in a mission of compassion for the world
Watch a special video that celebrates 175 years of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)!!...
(Printable) December 2019 – February 2020 Monthly Reflections and 2020 Intention List
Download and print the next three months of Monthly Reflections on the intentions of Pope Francis for December 2019 -...
Update: Our online store is CLOSED
Dear Friends, I would like to clarify the status of our online and mail order Catholic bookstore. It is closed. We...
(Printable) September – November 2019 Monthly Reflections
Download and print the next three months of Monthly Reflections on the intentions of Pope Francis for September -...
Pope Francis gives thanks for the “precious activity” of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
From the Vatican News Service: Six thousand people from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network gather in the Paul VI Hall...
Watch our 175th Anniversary Celebration HERE!!
You can watch the various celebrations happening in Rome for our 175th Anniversary below!!! More videos will be posted...