Rome-The fifth and final day of our leadership council at the Jesuit Curia in Rome focused on plans for the future....
News from Rome: Day 4
Rome—The conference of the Continental Coordinators for Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network/Eucharistic Youth Movement...
News from Rome: Day 3
Rome—Thursday the 25th of January saw continued conversations between the Continental Coordinators and the...
News from Rome: Day 2
In the second day of the Continental Coordinators Meeting for the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network/Eucharistic Youth...
News from Rome Day 1
Today, Tuesday was the first full day of meetings in Rome for the Continental Coordinators of the Pope’s Worldwide...
Father Blazek travels from Haiti to Rome
On January 20th Father Blazek gave the final talks of an eight-day retreat he conducted at Port Au Prince, Haiti for...
Father Blazek visits Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis
This week Father Blazek visited the Kenrick-Glennon seminary in St. Louis to serve as a spiritual director for the...
(Video) Happy New Year from Father Blazek
Click here to watch Father Blazek's special New Year message.
Father Blazek celebrates Christmas with Colonel Morales
With retired Colonel Antony Morales, Father Blazek's host for Christmas in Rochester, NY. Tony and Father Blazek...
A Christmas Message from Father Blazek
Click to watch a short video message from our Regional Director, Father William Blazek SJ....
Father Blazek greets a visitor
Father Blazek with retired Chicago priest Father Leroy Wickowski, visiting the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network offices...
News: Recent retreat with Father Blazek
Father Blazek with members of Manresa Retreat Group 47 gather at the Houmas House in Convent Louisiana for dinner....