This month's reflection is provided by Fr. Christopher Krall. Christopher Krall, S.J. is a priest and doctoral student...
November Reflection by Dcn. Ted Penton – In the Service of Peace
This month's reflection is given by Deacon Ted Penton. Born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, Ted Penton, SJ first met the...
October Reflection by Fr. Henry Shea – The Mission of Religious
Our contributing author for this month’s leaflet is Fr. Henry Shea, S.J., assistant at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in...
September Reflection by Fr. Peter Schineller – Young People in Africa
Our contributing author for this month’s leaflet is Fr. Peter Schineller, SJ, After teaching theology in seminaries...
August Reflection by Fr. Aaron Pidel – The treasure of families
Our contributing author for this month’s refelction, Fr. Aaron Pidel, SJ, is an Assistant Professor of Theology at...
July Reflection by Fr. J. Michael Sparough – Priests and their Pastoral Ministry
Our contributing author for this month’s reflection, Fr. J. Michael Sparough, SJ, is a retreat director, itinerant...
Father Blazek’s June Reflection – Social Networks
Social networks are a powerful reality of the modern evangelical landscape and can serve as powerful engines to drive...
May Reflection by Fr. Jacob Boddicker – The Mission of the Laity
The following reflection was written by Fr. Jacob Boddicker, SJ. Fr. Jacob Boddicker was ordained to the priesthood in...
April Reflection by Fr. Joseph Laramie – For Those Who Have Responsibility In Economic Matters
The following reflection was written by Fr. Joseph Laramie, SJ. Fr Laramie has served as a retreat master at the White...
Father Blazek’s March Reflection – Formation of Spiritual Discernment
Formation of Spiritual Discernment That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment,...
Father Blazek’s February Reflection – Say ‘No’ to Corruption
The abuse of power for personal benefit, corruption, is a problem across all human history. Bribery is often involved....
Father Blazek’s January Reflection – Religious Minorities in Asia
Religious liberty is a hallmark of our American system. In Canada and the United States, such liberty is enshrined in...